Friday, February 26, 2010

I’m a MAN dagnabit!! Really…I am. Please?

The other day I experienced a bit of military male spouse angst.  There are times when you come face to face with the fact that your wife will being doing things that are traditionally in the realm of “manly” while you are going about your domestic duties at home.

This was made starkly clear to me as my wife, daughter and I were doing our usually morning Skype session.  I had the computer on the kitchen table so we could video chat while I was feeding my daughter breakfast.  At some point during our session a colleague of my wife’s came back to ask her a question. Since my wife wears a headset I never hear what the question is. Normally I hear her spout some medical terms and give some instructions as a response to said question. 

It was at this time that my daughter started to play with her food.  Turning my attention to my daughter I told her “Noooo…you need to put the nana (banana) in your mouth. Uh huh. Good girl! Yay!”  At the same exact time my wife responded to her colleague “Yup, you cock that back. Flip that switch to unlock the safety.”

She was talking about guns. 

I was talking to my daughter about “nanas”.

Right now I have a strong urge to go and kill some fuzzy little animals, eat raw meat,  and take a bath in motor oil. 


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