A while ago I wrote about a phenomena that was occurring in my home that I termed “The Bachelor Creep.” It was basically an account of how certain bachelor tendencies of mine were attempting to creep back into my lifestyle since my wife is not around. This is not a good thing. The previous way my inner-bachelor (or inner-child, which is what most women will equate it too) manifested itself was in the re-introduction of bachelor piles. Piles of clothes, dishes, clothes, toys, clothes, papers, clothes, etc.
I spent a good part of a weekend taking care of those piles and successfully banished the inner bachelor back into to the deep, dark recesses of my mind, or so I thought. Perhaps it was just a matter of time before he resurfaced. Perhaps he was just biding his time. Or perhaps his resurgence was triggered by the knowledge that while my wife wears a gun in her holster, I wear sippy cups in mine. Whatever the case may be, it took only one moment of weakness but the Bachelor has made a comeback and in a big way.
I suppose I should have seen the signs that he was lying in wait. I started to “forget” to shave. I was drinking straight from the cartons in the fridge. Instead of plates I was eating straight from the pot, pan or wok that I had cooked the meal in. Toilet seats? I have toilet seats?? But all of that was just a lead up to his final attack. The video game.
Let me just set the record straight here. Most guys enjoy playing video games. All the guys I know enjoy playing video games. Guys like video games. That just the way it is. Get over it already. The problem is that unless there is some balancing force in our lives we’re more than happy to sit and play video games all-day-long. There was an episode during the time when my wife and I were still boyfriend and girlfriend that she became concerned about my video game playing. I’m not a hardcore gamer by any means but I do enjoy a good video game here and there. The problem is that the type of video game I enjoy tend to be in the RPG or Role Playing Game genre. The issue with this genre is that it is very story based and takes a loooooong time to complete. In the episode I referred to above I had started playing this particular game one day and I just kept playing, and playing, and playing. Next thing I knew I had played this particular game from 6pm to 3am. Needless to say I was a zombie the next day which was really obvious my then girlfriend (now wife). Of course she was concerned. Was she going to become a Playstation widow if she married me? Was this an addiction I had to deal with? Red flag, red flag. I had reassure her that I didn’t really play games that often and a session like that is a rarity for me. For some reason she believed me. Whew!
In all seriousness though, I don’t really play video games that much. I have gone months without picking up the controller and when a do it’s usually just for a quick session and also usually when my wife isn’t home… Uh oh.
I really didn’t have the intention to get into a monster gaming session. It just kind of happened. As you may recall in a previous post about my flight with my daughter, one of the tools I used to keep her entertained (and quiet) was my PSP or Playstation Portable. The nice thing about the PSP is that you can take it anywhere, but that’s also a bad thing. After we got back from our trip and I unpacked, I just kind of left the PSP on my nightstand.
So the other night I wasn’t that tired yet and I reached over and grabbed the PSP. Wouldn’t you know that there was an RPG loaded in there ready to go? So there you have it. Bored husband, wife thousands of miles away, and a PSP on my nightstand. 6 hours and 1200 EXP later it was 2am. Crud. I need to get some sleep. My daughter wakes up in 4 hours! The next day was not going to be fun. So I put the PSP back down… On my nightstand. Wash, rinse, repeat. I succumbed two nights in a row. Lack of sleep, full work days, and a hyperactive 19month old is NOT A GOOD COMBINATION.
Needless to say I banished the PSP to the TV room. On the third night, after putting my daughter to bed, I crashed into my own precisely 1/2 an hour later. It was 8:30pm. Somewhere that dumb inner bachelor is snickering at me and planning his next comeback.